In Search of Eco-friendly Energy

In Search of Eco-friendly Energy

If we look at the pattern of economic growth of any nation, may it be developing or developed, it is by and large driven by the continuous consumption of fossil fuel. It is the electricity and energy, which drives the economic growth, generated from combustion of fossil fuels. On one hand, this energy is driving the economic growth of nations, whereas on the other hand, it is deteriorating the environment, in which the growth is taking place, by means of creating ambient air pollution by emitting greenhouse gases. Apart from that, continuous usage of natural resources may someday lead towards extinction of them, which may prove out to be more dangerous. In order to maintain an intergenerational equity, it is the time to move towards alternate sources of energy, which are eco-friendly and renewable. One of the primary sources of renewable energy is the sunlight, utilization of which has led us to see the solar photovoltaic systems. Technologies have been invented to create electricity out of the waves of seas. The biggest invention in this field of renewable energy is the nuclear energy, which is utmost green in nature. To know more about the alternative eco-friendly energy resources, kindly browse the pages of

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