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Category: Healthy Hair

Healthy and strong hair is the dream of every girl. Here we have shared top 5 tips, products and tricks that can help your hair in staying healthy.

Colored Hair Spray Can be Used for the Better and Attractive Look of the Hair

Colored Hair Spray Can be Used for the Better and Attractive Look of the Hair

Coloured hair spray uses Temporary hair loss is a problem for many women and is sometimes caused by the overuse of sprays and colors. Sometimes coloured hair spray is used to help cover temporary hair loss by covering the scalp area up. Women with dark hair will sometimes use a spray-on dark auburn temporary hair colour because it makes the hair look more plentiful. Some coloured hair sprays are specifically designed for people experiencing hair loss, as they are designed…

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Tips for Taking care of a Synthetic Wig and Human Hair Wig

Tips for Taking care of a Synthetic Wig and Human Hair Wig

Just as synthetic and human hair wigs look different, they also require different methods of care. How to care for a wig is similar to maintaining a head full of hair. It takes nurturing and dedication to keep your hair looking good. Caring for synthetic gigs can be vastly different, so pay attention to each method below: Synthetic Wig Care Fill a sink with cool water. Never use hot water as it could damage the synthetic hair and remove any…

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Top 5 tips for ‘crowning glory’

Top 5 tips for ‘crowning glory’

Want to make your hair a crowning glory? Why not! It’s true that we all vie for it. No matter whether it’s a humid weather, the summery heat or winter winds, we want to give the best to our hair in ever-changing weather. It might come as a surprise but it is true that healthy hair reflect our healthy life. Although certain studies suggest that genes do affect the quality of hair, however, the healthy living has the ability to…

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5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Hair Texture

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Hair Texture

Hair troubles can completely ruin your day and make you feel low if you aren’t looking your very best. If you are constantly in the quest for finding ways to improve your hair texture and make them look shiny and healthy, here are five secret ingredients that will work wonders on your hair: Coconut Oil: Just like grandma would always say, it is important to oil your hair. Coconut oil provides moisture to the hair strands, stimulates growth and also…

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Simple home remedies for different types of hair:

Simple home remedies for different types of hair:

Many people have different types of hair like dull hair, damaged hair, Oily or greasy hair. Remedies for dull hair: People with dry hair also have the problem of dandruff. Dry hair is a result of either by usage of harsh chemicals or due internal sickness. Most of the external factors include harsh shampoos, hair dye, over usage of hair dryer, having hair wash with hot water and too much exposure to sun. Apply the oil to scalp and let…

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Food for healthy hair

Food for healthy hair

New York nutritionist Lisa Drayer says, “Just like every other part of your body, cells and processes that support strong, vibrant hair depend on a balanced diet.” It can take time to observe changes in one’s hair than in the skin. The nutrients one eats today can help make the hair follicle strong from where each strand of hair grows. Hair can equally get damaged due to hormonal imbalances, smoking and not proper sleep. There is no magic treatment that…

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