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Category: Health and Fitness

Are you a health conscious person and looking for tips on healthy living? Have a look at top 5 tips, products, foods, etc. to stay healthy and fit.

Wondering Why your Hair is Falling Out? Unveil the Secrets by Learning the 5 Key Hair Loss Reasons

Wondering Why your Hair is Falling Out? Unveil the Secrets by Learning the 5 Key Hair Loss Reasons

Hair loss happens to both men and women. That is a fact. However, do you know exactly what triggers this phenomenon to occur? The reasons for hair loss can be considered natural although yet many of them are also caused by certain disorders. If you are someone who wants to know more about the major causes and other hair loss reasons, then reading the following details will not really make you feel bad, rather, it will help you understand the…

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Colored Hair Spray Can be Used for the Better and Attractive Look of the Hair

Colored Hair Spray Can be Used for the Better and Attractive Look of the Hair

Coloured hair spray uses Temporary hair loss is a problem for many women and is sometimes caused by the overuse of sprays and colors. Sometimes coloured hair spray is used to help cover temporary hair loss by covering the scalp area up. Women with dark hair will sometimes use a spray-on dark auburn temporary hair colour because it makes the hair look more plentiful. Some coloured hair sprays are specifically designed for people experiencing hair loss, as they are designed…

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Tips for Taking care of a Synthetic Wig and Human Hair Wig

Tips for Taking care of a Synthetic Wig and Human Hair Wig

Just as synthetic and human hair wigs look different, they also require different methods of care. How to care for a wig is similar to maintaining a head full of hair. It takes nurturing and dedication to keep your hair looking good. Caring for synthetic gigs can be vastly different, so pay attention to each method below: Synthetic Wig Care Fill a sink with cool water. Never use hot water as it could damage the synthetic hair and remove any…

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Five Tips to Alleviate Stress at Work

Five Tips to Alleviate Stress at Work

Stress is good as well as bad; it’s good when it keeps you motivated, – for instance, when you are close to realising your goals, and it’s terrible when it’s too overwhelming that it harms your work. No one likes to contend with dreadful stress whether it’s because of personal issues or work issues, but it is an inevitable part of life. Here are some ways that can help you cope with stress. Change Your Outlook A temporary phase of…

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5 benefits of prevalent C-T-M for a vibrant skin!

5 benefits of prevalent C-T-M for a vibrant skin!

Makeup can only magnify your beauty not make it for you. Keeping skin young and healthy is a key to look beautiful for longer. For this Cleansing, toning and moisturising (CTM) routine should become a part of your life. But in reality, no one is regular about it, and tend to skip one or two steps from it. Any step missed in CTM automatically leads you to less glowing and less fresh looking skin. You need to take all these…

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5 habits to incorporate in your everyday life and replace the best glowing facials

5 habits to incorporate in your everyday life and replace the best glowing facials

Living in a world where people are more inclined towards how a person looks and not he/she feels, makes us realise that how imaginary our world is. With more people trying to look alluring through beauty products, you cannot always count on them. What about your natural beauty? The cosmetic stores are filled with best glowing facials to radiate your skin but what about the natural glow and how for how many days will that facial be effective? Incorporate these…

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Top 5 tips to maintain a sleep hygiene

Top 5 tips to maintain a sleep hygiene

How often have you heard the term “Sleep Hygiene”? The term makes you wonder about how clean you are while you sleep, nevertheless it is not about it. Sleep hygiene is a doctorly term, used for a person’s quality sleep behaviour. The idea is to promote healthy sleeping habits among the insomniacs around the globe. While more than 80% of the people in the world doesn’t get a full 8 hours sleep, here are 5 healthy habits to have a…

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5 reasons why you need to quit your job right now

5 reasons why you need to quit your job right now

Your workplace is like a second home for you, where you spend even more time than your home. But do you really feel like home there or do you dread waking up every morning? There could be days when you don’t feel like going to office and you keep on grumbling about your workplace often. Your career is your choice and your job should make you happy about it, not keep you stressed. Ask these five reasons in the morning…

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Top 5 Yogas For Keeping Away Stress

Top 5 Yogas For Keeping Away Stress

The Yoga is a complete course of deep meditation, breathing methods and exercises that were advised by the ancient Indian teachers. The term is coined to signify the unification of body, mind and soul. Corpse-like pose – Shavasana You must lie on your back and stretch your legs straight. The legs should touch each other and the arms close to the body with palms facing upward. Take a deep breath and then release slowly. Feel that your body is getting…

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Top 5 foods for Healthy Heart

Top 5 foods for Healthy Heart

Every year it is brilliant to make these resolutions about eating healthy throughout but unfortunately most of fail to follow through because of our busy schedules. Summer times offers a plethora of delectable food that is also unbelievable healthy for your heart. Dieticians and renowned surgeons swear by these foods. Many researches have corroborated the health benefits of these foods, especially for the heart. Here is our list of best food for the heart. 1.Avocado The soothing green color and…

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