Types of stress and ways to overcome it:

Types of stress and ways to overcome it:

In today’s scenario over stress have a very negative effect on mood, health. There are 4 types of symptoms namely cognitive symptoms, emotional symptoms, physical symptoms and behavioral symptoms. Cognitive symptoms include memory problems, constant worrying, poor judgment and unable to concentrate. Emotional symptoms include moodiness, depression, short temper, feeling lonely. Physical symptoms include frequent cold, loss of interest in sex, constipations, dizziness, aches, pain. Behavioral symptoms include eating either more or less, addiction to drugs, alcohol, smoking and isolating yourself from others. Some of the personal problems that causes stress are your health problem especially the chronic diseases like diabetes, arthritis and heart diseases. Emotional problems such as guiltiness, depression, inability to express the anger. Having problems in the relationship and family, major life changes, conflicts with your beliefs and values are also few personal problems causing stress. Stress shows lot of negative effect on the digestion system. Irregularities in the digestion system can cause constipation or diarrhea. Some of the ways to overcome stress are as follows. Ignore the person who frequently causes stress in your life. If they are irritating you a lot it is better to end the relation. If any of the news are too anxious or emotional better turn off the TV.  Do not get involved in the heated conservations and stop arguing. Make some time for relaxation which reduces stress. Go for a walk. Play with pet or a small child which is the best stress reliever. Watch comedy movies or shows. Listen to your favorite music. Spend some time in the nature. If you are fond of cooking try cooking new dishes which alters the situation and relieves your stress. Exercise regularly. Have a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet. It is better to avoid intake of caffeine, sugar, which results in bad mood. Avoid alcohol, drugs, smoking .Last but not the least one is to have enough sleep which reduces stress, and fuels your body and mind. Foods that reduce stress levels are as follows. Vitamin C helps to reduce stress and bring BP and cortisol to the normal levels after stressful situation. As everybody knows Vitamin C is rich in citrus fruits so start having citrus fruits. Make sure that you are eating salads and healthy fats. Take the food containing supplements like iodine, magnesium, iron. Avoid taking cabbage and cauliflower as they can interfere with thyroid function. Include green tea, avocado, garlic, ginger and nuts in your diet.

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