Top 5 Mistakes by Candidates While Filling an OMR Sheet

Top 5 Mistakes by Candidates While Filling an OMR Sheet

The OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) sheet offers a delegate design that requires the optimum attention of a candidate while entering the entities. The invigilating authorities have examined many common error that the candidates tend to commit, while appearing for an OMR based examination. These mistakes causes direct rejection of paper during the evaluation process by the latest in-trend OMR software.

omr-sheetInstructions not Read Properly

Before, starting the main questionnaire it is suggested to read and understand the instruction set specified on the question booklet. Considering an example: some candidates use fountain pens or pencils, even when it is especially mentioned to use only ball point pens for filling the OMR sheet. These silly mistake would even result in rejection of your answer sheet.

Filling Wrong Information in the Blocks

It is very important to fill in the exact information against each of the subsequent row and column provided. The governing bodies suggest that the aspirant should fill the general entities for name, roll no., date of birth etc. before starting the main paper. Taking an example – a candidate appearing for a competitive exam has prepared for many days and nights long and luckily the paper was in accordance to the preparation, but it would all go in vein if the student has marked an incorrect information on the answer sheet.

Inactive Approach of filling an OMR Sheet

These in-trend question papers aims to incorporate your active reading and writing skills. The student should read the question paper carefully and then should start filling the OMR sheet with keen precision. Furthermore, the sheet pattern is different for different organizations. Taking into consideration that some exams have their numerical blocks starting form 0 to 9 where as some have arranged the numerical blocks as 1-9 and later followed by 0. However, not paying attention to such details may lead to negative scores or cases of double filling.

Filling Information Using a Wrong Marker

Many of the educational bodies conduct exams as per their fixed set of standards and have denoted the use of limited set of tools. Considering an example to this some of the college board authorities ask the aspiring set of candidates to fill the OMR sheet using blue ball pen, failing to this if you use a fountain pen or an pencil, then it would result to immediate rejection of your responses.

Furthermore, candidate some time because of negligence tend to take the original OMR answer sheet with them and submit carbon copy to their examiner. So, it is suggested to pay a little more attention while submitting the answer response sheet and keeping the carbon copy for themselves.

Marking More than One Response Bubble and Rough Work

No correction is possible on OMR response sheets. So, the candidate should carefully darken the respective bubble against each of the subsequent question number. There are situations when a little negligence of the student can result in inappropriate selection of bubbles, then trying to scratch the wrong option and marking the right one as well. The evaluation software would detect such responses as double marking and would contribute to an incorrect selection.

The candidates doing rough work on the response sheet is also a common mistake, that the students tend to make. This would result in a failure to scan the OMR. This is likely to result in rejections while scanning the sheets using the OMR scanner or software.

Furthermore, many candidates fill the half details on sheet with pen and rest of the details with the pencil. This mistake will cost the candidate a lot and it can lead to cancellation of their examination. Candidate’s needs to fill the details with the marker as instructed. Read the instructions thoroughly before filling details on sheet.



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