Tips to deal with acne

Tips to deal with acne

  • A person facing problem of acne can mix equal proportion of water with baking soda and apply the paste on individual acne and not on complete face. The paste should be left on the face for ten minutes and washed off with cold water. This helps in closing the pores. This can be repeated twice a day but if there is excess oil one should discontinue its use.
  • The open side of the lemon should be applied on the acne affected area. Since lemon has citric acid and if it gives stinging feeling; it would mean it is having positive results. One should be careful of using sunscreen after washing face as citric acid can make the skin prone to sun damage.
  • Raw potato can heal as well act as an anti inflammatory which should be sliced in two pieces and applied on the affected area.
  • Use toothpaste to get rid of pimple overnight. Silica would dry the pimple contained in toothpaste.
  • Ice can also work wonders on the skin. Ice would constrict the blood vessels underneath the skin and make the inflammation less noticeable.
  • Tea tree oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties which help in fighting acne. It is very safe to use as it is proved to be a great herbal remedy.
  • Aspirin could be crushed and made into a paste by adding water to it. This paste if applied on the acne affected part can definitely help the acne problem. Aspirin has salicylic acid which is a very important acne treatment used. This acid dries up acne and simultaneously fights bacteria also.
  • Potassium alum is found in many grocery shops and used as a natural deodorant. Alum being natural antiseptic and astringent can make the skin tissues shrink. Instead of powder, it should be brought in a big block as it can be little abrasive. It should be gently wiped on the affected area taking care that it does not cause any irritation.
  • A person with acne problems should avoid eating refined carbohydrates like pasta and bread. Similarly sugar can also be avoided.
  • More green vegetables should be included in diet and keep diet as natural as possible.
  • Take fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, natural yogurt and goat cheese and also include good enzymes and pro-biotic food in the meals.
  • Make sure to take a multivitamin; especially enough dose of vitamin A should be included in the diet. This helps the skin to regenerate quicker and reduce wrinkles, clear the spots and blemishes.

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