Tips to control global warming

Tips to control global warming

Global warming causes the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans to rise since the late 19th century. Since the early 20th century, the mean surface temperature of Earth since 20th century has increased by about 0.8°Celcius, whereby about two-thirds of the increase can be attributed since 1980. It is basically caused by increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases which are produced by burning of fossil fuels and other human activities like deforestation. Across the globe place to place climate would vary and its associated impact.

The results of an increase in this global temperature also would include rising of sea levels and therefore a transformation in the amount and form of precipitation, and probably expanding of subtropical deserts. Rising of temperature is more likely to be strongest in the Arctic and will be because of the continuing retreat of permafrost, glaciers, and sea ice. These are the few ways to reduce the effects of global warming:

Reduce Fossil Fuel Use

Burning of fossil fuels increase the greenhouse gases levels in the atmosphere. There could be two means to lessen usage of fossil fuel. Using less energy, or an alternative for it like solar and wind power which do not pollute the environment. At home, this results into saving electricity by the use of compact fluorescent light bulbs energy and efficient appliances. One can also reduce use of gasoline and buy green power from the electricity provider, if possible.

Plant Trees

Since carbon dioxide is one of the most important greenhouse gases, planting of trees and other useful plants can surely slow the process or altogether stop global warming. As plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen they use carbon thereby building their own tissues and returning some of it to the soil; the process termed as sequestration. Another big contributor to global warming is deforestation of rain forests, planting new trees is surely the solution to the problem of global warming. One can plant small little plants even in the backyard of the house to offset this grave problem in small little way.

Reduce Waste

The generation of garbage also widely contributes to global warming both indirectly and directly. Decomposing of waste in landfills can produce greenhouse gases and methane. In the first place, waste too needs energy to get manufactured. By reducing the consumption patterns and re usage of products making it whenever possible can minimise the carbon footprint, as less new things need to be made. Recycling plastic, metal, paper and glass can lower greenhouse gas emissions. This is because recycled items consume far less energy to produce in comparison to items that are produced from the scratch.

Conserve Water

Urban areas use maximum amounts of energy when distributing and purifying water, which can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. If water is reduced, it can also reduce the amount of energy that is used. Water should be immediately put off when not in use, and replace or repair leaking toilets and taps.

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