Tips on reducing electricity consumption at home

Tips on reducing electricity consumption at home

We should conserve electricity for national use and also not to increase the cost. There could be simple ways of minimizing the cost and preserve the precious hydroelectricity of the country.

Minimize Phantom Loads

When an electrical device is not turned on but still in use and consumes electricity, it is termed as phantom load. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOEA) observes that about seventy five per cent of energy is consumed when the appliances are not in use. California Berkeley University reports that phantom loads are accounting for nearly six per cent of all electricity consumed at national level. Phantom loads could be unplugged when not required, or could be plugged into a power strip whereby the strip can be put off when they not in use.

Use More Energy-efficient Appliances

Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star label should be looked for while making purchases for electrical appliances. Energy Star appliances make use of ten to fifty per cent less water and energy in comparison to other conventional counterparts. The cost may be more than other appliances with no Energy Star designation, but in major cases it will be more than make up those other additional appliances may cost through energy savings.

Change Your Light Bulbs

Replacing light bulbs could be the most efficient and least expensive option to conserve electricity. Energy Star reports that, one of its qualified Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFL) cost not much saving a lot in its lifetime and compensate for it in about six months. It lasts for about ten months and uses seventy per cent less energy.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats work by automatically adjusting house temperature to an individual’s requirement and schedule, making the usage comfortable. A programmable thermostat saves as much as fifteen percent on cooling and heating costs.

Wash economically

Washing machine should be used only when fully loaded. Economy or half load setting should be used if partial load washing is to be done. Also, modern washers work just as effectively at 40 degrees Centigrade (100 F) as they do at 60 (140 F), but the reduced temperature will make a difference in terms of energy used. Clothes could be hanged in Sun rather than tumble drying them, as that consumes high amount of energy.

Therefore, following these easy tips to save electricity cost at home can do much good to the nation.

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