Top 5 Ways to Take Care of Your Jewelry

Top 5 Ways to Take Care of Your Jewelry

It is extremely important to take proper care of your precious jewelry to keep them shining and glowing through their lifetime. We bring you the top 5 tips that will keep your jewelry in the best condition:


While cleaning your jewelry, avoid using any harsh detergents or hard cloths that can cause scratches on your jewelry. Also, you must ensure that loose stones don’t fall and go down the drain while washing. You can clean colored gems by mixing warm water and a mild soap and apply it with a soft brush or a lint free cloth. Pearls can be cleaned with a soft and unused make up brush and soap water. Lay them on a towel to dry and you will find them extremely shiny again!


One of the best ways to take care of your jewelry is to invest in good storage that suits your jewelry. If jewelry is stored badly, it gets ruined with scratches and tangles. Use jewelry boxes that have separate compartments for items and store engagement rings in separate boxes that are made for rings only.


If you own a highly expensive piece of jewelry, you must get it checked annually by an accredited jeweler. Many jewelers also provide a professional cleaning service and will consult if any repair is required on your jewelry item.


If you have to travel for a wedding, it can be a nightmare to take all your jewelry. Pack them in a leather jewelry box that will protect your jewelry during transit.


Remember to keep your jewelry away from excessive heat, exposure to chemicals and sudden temperature changes. This can damage precious gemstones and cause discoloration. Also, remove jewelry before swimming, applying perfumes, cosmetics and lotions.

By following these simple 5 steps, you will ensure a long and lustrous life for your jewelry items.

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