Five reasons that online invitations are better than the conventional ones

Five reasons that online invitations are better than the conventional ones

Sending online invitations has not only become a trend but more like a necessity. In today’s fast life, it is impossible to rely on traditional cards. Almost everyone finds it hard to take out time for this tedious task of creating invitations and then sending each one of them separately. You can get a lot of benefits by opting for a video invitation.

1. Quick Delivery – The best part of a video invitation is that you are able to deliver it promptly. Whether you WhatsApp it, e-mail it or post it on Facebook, the receiver is instantly notified. Unlike couriers, they will never have a case of “Lost in transit.” Even if delivery fails while forwarding online, you can always try again. In any case, they are more time-saving than the conventional cards.

2. Cost effective: You spend a grand on getting invitations printed and then manually have to deliver each and every card. Of course, it consumes a lot of money. The more cards you get printed, the more you have to pay. And again, you will spend more while delivering loads of cards. In case of an online card, you just need to get a digital copy of the invitation once and you are good to go. You can simply forward it as many times as you want to as many people.

3. Attractive: Video Invitations look way more better than simple cards. You can experiment with various animations, transition features, and background music. Such kind of customization is unavailable in conventional cards.

4. Engaging: The receiver will always be more interested in watching a video invitation than a conventional invitation card. He would usually feel lazy to read out from a card. But, he would surely be more interested in watching a video.

5. Personalized: You can always personalize your video invitations by adding your personal photographs. It makes video invitations more appealing.

Do you want to make a video invitation for any upcoming event? Are you looking for some convenient options to make one? Well, you can easily make online video invitations with the help of Wedeogram. It’s simple and fun.

One thought on “Five reasons that online invitations are better than the conventional ones

  1. I thought online invitation couldn’t be engaging, but had made me thought about this to really out one upcoming for my mom’s birthday party

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